【例文・単語帳】21-01-20_Why a dawn of technological optimism is breaking







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Productivity growth was lacklustre and the most popular new inventions, the smartphone and social media, did not seem to help much.

Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring.

Their malign side-effects, such as the creation of powerful monopolies and the pollution of the public square, became painfully apparent.

Evil in nature or effect; malevolent.

Promising technologies stalled, including self-driving cars, making Silicon Valley’s evangelists look naive.

(of a motor vehicle or its engine) stop running, typically because of an overload on the engine.

Prominent breakthroughs, a tech investment boom and the adoption of digital technologies during the pandemic are combining to raise hopes of a new era of progress: optimists giddily predict a “roaring Twenties”.

Important; famous.

[Adverb] In a giddy manner.

ADJ If you feel giddy, you feel unsteady and think that you are about to fall over, usually because you are not well. (=dizzy)

It is not just that workers have taken to videoconferencing and consumers to e-commerce—significant as those advances are, for example to easing the constraints on jobseeking posed by housing shortages.

A limitation or restriction.

 As societies get richer they spend a greater share of their income on labour-intensive services, such as restaurant meals, in which productivity growth is meagre because automation is hard.

(of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.

Although the private sector will ultimately determine which innovations succeed or fail, governments also have an important role to play.

Cause (something) to occur in a particular way; be the decisive factor in.

The state also has a big influence over how fast innovations diffuse through the economy.

Spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people.

If governments rise to the challenge, then faster growth and higher living standards will be within their reach, allowing them to defy the pessimists. The 2020s began with a cry of pain but, with the right policies, the decade could yet roar.

Openly resist or refuse to obey.

A person who tends to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen.
